Reusable/Zero Waste packaging

  • Added!

Farm Link Hawaiʻi

Replacing plastic bags used to pack produce items with reusable produce bags. Examples of reusable bags would be cotton or mesh.


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Supply Chain

Status changed to: Added!


Supply Chain

Merged with: Less single-use plastic/packaging


Rob Barreca

Would be great to see less items bagged in single-use plastic. And for anything that needs to be in a bag, that it could be in a compostable/bio-plastic bag.


Morgan Nixon

Lose the bio bags! They are not compostable in Hawaiʻi (no industrial composting facility), they break, smell weird, and are unnecessary. We liked it better with paper only or no bags!


Supply Chain

Merged with: No more plastic packaging please!


Rob Barreca


please consider having a "no/minimal plastic bags" option tab/button in the delivery preferences


Supply Chain

Merged with: No plastic bags button


Lisa Bravender

But still collapsible, many of us don't have a place to store a large bin, but something that stores flat can still fit behind furniture or in the trunk of a car until returned.


Why not have us leave bins on our front porches, and deliveries get put unside our own reusable bins?


A way to request plastic free orders would be great!


Hello. Yes, please. I keep on asking for few/no plastic bags in my delivery preferences as I'd be OK with loose kale/lettuce/etc. but the folks at Farm Link explained that leafy greens could wilt. Reusable bags out of cotton or mesh would be a fantastic alternative....but not sure how they would prevent wilting. We use Debbie Meyer GreenBags at home and they keep things fresh in the fridge for a very long time and can be washed and reused over and over again. I'd certainly be willing to pay some sort of deposit fee for reusable bags if necessary. Jonathan


good idea


Ashley Martinez

Love this idea! Also keeps customers continuing to order as a reminder with the box to return.


Ashley Martinez

I think this is a great way to reduce plastic. I prefer when all the veg is in just in the box, but I understand for mixed greens or smaller items this isn't possible, so for that the reusable bags would be nice! Even integrating reusable boxes, with customers dropping them off or getting picked up with the next order drop off could help reduce waste and cost down the line.

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Janet Cooke

Not for me

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May I ask why not? Would love to understand how this might not work for everyone. :)